Rash Articles

Nodular Prurigo

Nodular Prurigo (Prurigo Nodularis), also known as Hyde’s Disease or Picker’s Nodules. Understand its causes, symptoms, and treatment options for this intense, itchy skin condition

Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is caused by a contagious virus called herpes simplex and is very common. The disease is very common, about one-third of all adults have at some point been infected by the virus.

Angular cheilitis

Explore Angular Cheilitis causes, symptoms, and treatments. First Derm’s guide helps you understand and manage this common oral condition

Cercarial Dermatitis (Swimmer’s itch)

Learn about swimmer’s itch, a skin rash caused by parasites in water. Find out the symptoms, causes, treatment & prevention of this condition.



Vulvitis is not a disease, but an inflammation of the vulva caused by an infection, allergy or injury. The vulva is the area of skin outside of the female genitalia, and is prone to irritation because of its moistness and warmth.

Zika Virus (Rash)

Zika Virus (Rash)

Maculopapular rash is a telltale sign of Zika. Other initial signs of Zika infection include mild fever, fatigue, headache, bloodshot eyes, joint pain and muscle pain. However, there may not be any visible symptoms.

Erythema Multiforme

Erythema Multiforme

Erythema multiforme is a self-limited but recurring allergic reaction or infection. The condition is often associated with viral or bacterial infections or reactions to medication.

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Atopic Eczema

Atopic Eczema

Atopic eczema can be caused by sensitivity to certain foods, such as dairy, eggs, or fish. Infants with food allergies often have hives in addition to eczema. Children may experience other atopic symptoms including asthma and abdominal discomfort.

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