Intimate, vagina, sex disorders, STDs that are irritating & itching

Itchy vagina and irritation

Itching in the genital area can have many causes. Women of childbearing age, yeast infection is the most common cause. After menopause, less estrogen is produced, which makes the mucous membranes dry and causes itching and burning sensation. Below is short information on the different causes and how it can be treated. We have also included anonymous questions and answers to our dermatologists.

Imbalance & irritation in the genital area

Antibiotics can disturb the normal bacterial flora in the genital area and cause itching to occur. It may also be itchy due to eczema, another infection or for another cause. Sometimes you should get in touch with the healthcare system to find out why it itches.

Do you think your symptoms can be caused by menopause?vRead more about menopausal symptoms here

Vicious Circle

Younger women can sometimes get itching in the genital area without the cause being a yeast infection. If the itching becomes long, it may be because you have ended up in a vicious circle. The more it itches, the more you wash and eventually the skin becomes dehydrated and itching even more.

Itching you then arise the cracks that make it all even worse. The problems are due to the fact that the skin and the delicate mucous membranes must not be in peace for more than short moments. It may even become eczema.

Ask a dermatologist about your skin conditions.

Don’t wash too often

Do not wash the genital area too often. Use only water or a mild, unscented soap. If it irritates you can try washing yourself with an oil or a greasy tvättkräm instead of soap. Never shower water into the vagina. If you feel dry you can also try a moisturizing cream or gel for the genital area.

Lactic acid Bacteria

Imbalance in vagina’s normal microbiota may show up as itching, irritation and slightly increased discharge. Some products are available to restore balance, even if the effect is not clearly shown. Lactic acid bacteria you will find in the form of vaginal capsules to be swallowed and gels in the product list below.

Bacterial vaginosis

If the vaginal discharge is odorous, it may be due to bacterial vaginosis. This means that the bacterial composition of the vagina has changed and that its own lactic acid bacteria have decreased in number or effect, while other undesirable bacteria have increased in number. This will affect the normally acidic environment found in the vagina.

Bacterial vaginosis is the most common cause of troublesome and foul-smelling vaginal discharge in women of childbearing age. The vaginal discharge is often thin and gray yellowish to the color, often it is noticed during menstruation or after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Why you get bacterial vaginosis is not quite clear, nor which bacterium causes it, which makes it difficult to protect itself and many feel that the symptoms “Come and go”.

If you notice that your discharge changes color and odor, or gets other signs of bacterial vaginosis, such as redness and irritation around the vaginal opening, you should contact your Medical center or gynecologist who may then prescribe the right treatment, which is usually a Antibiotic treatment. In fact, the condition worsens vagina’s protection against infections. Below are several products that can supplement the treatment and help alleviate the symptoms, or discourage bacterial vaginosis from coming back.

Ask a dermatologist about your skin conditions.

Sebaceous glands

I am a 19 year old woman. Had this for 2 months. Bumps, painful sex. Bumps on swollen part inside vagina that come off as you touch them and bleed.


Possibly a small SEBACEOUS CYST or MOLLUSCUM. I assume that you mean that small whitish bump just to the left of the upper end of the vagina. Anyhow I believe that it is better if you see a physician, in this case the most accurate one would a Gynecologist in order to confirm the diagnosis and if it causes you trouble it should be removed. On the other hand he/she would also investigate whether this is the only cause of the pain and discharge that you describe or if something else should be ruled out.

Ask a dermatologist about your skin conditions.

Bacterial Vaginosis

I am a 39 year old woman. I have had 8 months of discharge and fish smell water-excessive discharge. I have had unprotected sex the last 6 months. Could it be an infection or STD?


The fish-like smell and discharge you refer to may point to a condition known as bacterial vaginosis. This is a bacterial infection which can come about as a result of an imbalance in the normal bacterial flora of the vagina. It can be treated with antibiotics such as Metronidazole. A prescription will be needed from your gynecologist, dermatologist or STD clinic physician.

Ask a dermatologist about your skin conditions.

Excoriation and Irritated skin

I am an 18 years old woman. I had this for 7 days. Painful urination, unexpected period. I had sex 4 days before it showed up with my boyfriend. We are only having sexual relations with each other. He is my first partner. I got checked three months ago, as did he, we both tested negative for STDs.


From the information and the images submitted, this looks like an EXCORIATION AND IRRITATED SKIN, irritated by friction after sex. Body fluids (including saliva), lubes and spermicides can also cause skin irritation and soreness and the appearance of “cuts”. Washing right after an encounter can help to reduce the symptoms, and applying a health cream enriched with natural emollients and vitamins can help to protect the area from further irritation. If pain or no improvement I recommend you to go to your practitioner and ask for something stronger.

Ask a dermatologist about your skin conditions.

Genital Warts – Condyloma

I am a 19 year old woman. Had this for 2 months.Bumps, painful sex. Bumps on swollen part inside vagina that come off as you touch them and bleed.


Hi! This looks like CONDYLOMA: (genital warts), a sexually transmitted disease caused by the Human Pamillomavirus (HPV). Condylomas can appear in any part of the genital area. The warts can vary in size but are usually flesh-colored and cauliflower-like on the surface. To avoid further spread of the virus, condom use is recommended. They can be treated in many ways. See a dermatologist or visit a STD-clinic.

Ask a dermatologist about your skin conditions.

Genital Herpes

I am a 26 year old woman. I have this for 2 to 3 days, the bumps are new today, first sore a few days ago. I have had unprotected sex the last 6 months. Ulcer like lesions w some pus, raised papule/bumps, swollen a bit. Stronger odor, but from this area, not from vaginal discharge. I recently began cycling a lot (200+ miles a week), and first thought it could be saddle sore related as i have some shorts that don’t fit well (too big, causes friction), and its my first saddle.


This looks like GENITAL HERPES: an infection caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) type 1 or 2. This virus spreads through unprotected sexual contact. Typically small blisters (usually in a group) appear surrounded by red inflamed skin. The lesions usually heal within 7-10 days but this can sometimes take longer the first time the infection appears. Treatment with antiviral drugs (aciclovir or valaciclovir, prescription required) can be useful to lessen the symptoms, especially if taken during the first hours or 2-3 days of the outbreak. The virus can unfortunately not be eliminated from the body, so new episodes of herpes can be expected. However, the frequency and intensity is very variable. To avoid further spread, condom use is recommended. A visit to a STD-clinic is also recommended to confirm the diagnosis.

Ask a dermatologist about your skin conditions.

Blue vagina

I am a 45 year old woman. I have had 5 months of discharge and it is very itchy, painful and a lot of puss comes out of it. I have had unprotected sex the last 6 months. Could it be blue vagina.

Considering the discharge, the pain and the swelling (inflammation), I recommend that you see a dermatologist at an STD clinic or a gynecologist as soon as possible to carry out testing for the most common sexually transmitted diseases and other bacterial infections.

Ask a dermatologist about your skin conditions.

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