Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Articles

Non-melanoma skin cancer: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Explore Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer types, symptoms, and the importance of early detection for effective treatment. Stay informed about NMSC risks

Non-melanoma skin cancer killing more people than melanoma, new study finds

Non-melanoma skin cancer now surpasses melanoma in global fatalities, reveals a new study from EADV Congress 2023. Dive into the insights, risks, and implications

Seborrheic Keratosis (Senile warts)

Seborrheic keratosis, also called senile warts, is a very common skin condition marked by light brown, tan brown, dark brown, black and variably pigmented spots. The warts are slightly raised with a clear edge and waxy.


An ulcer is a skin sore that appears red and is filled with pus upon infection. It can be triggered by excessive heat or cold, skin irritation, or problems with blood circulation.

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