Allergy Articles

Dry skin – a Dermatologist’s tips by Dr Dray

Dry skin feels dry to the touch because of a lack of moisturer in the outer cell layer (stratum corneum). This results in cracks in the skin surface.

Signs of Bed Bug Bites & Paris Nights: A Traveller’s Inquiry

Uncover the signs of bed bug bites through a traveler’s inquiry from Paris. Learn how to recognize these itchy red bumps and what bed bug bites look like

Itchy Rash Pictures, Causes and Treatment

Itchy rash pictures. Itching (Pruritus) is an unpleasant sensation where the skin signals a reflex response to tearing of the skin

Scrotal Eczema and Itchy Balls

Scrotal eczema is usually defined by a question we see frequently: ‘why is the skin on my balls peeling’. Find all of the answers here.

How Bad Is Alcohol For Your Skin?

How Bad Is Alcohol For Your Skin?

As the dust begins to settle on another festive period, life, rather abruptly returns to normal and leaves us pondering what affect all that indulgence had on our body. More often than not, the signs begin to show in our skin, first, alongside the headaches and tiredness that is. So, what affect does alcohol have on our skin? Is there any way we can reduce these effects in the future?

Are Skin Allergies Permanent?

Are Skin Allergies Permanent?

Developing a new allergy (or growing out of an old one) is possible, but the concept is more complicated than you might think. Sometimes it can seem like your allergies have changed, when in reality they haven’t. Let’s take a deeper look at how skin allergies work.

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