Why Sex Is Great For Our Skin

Sex is Great For Our Skin

It might not be the first thing on your mind but believe it or not, sex is great for our skin! You may have noticed already but that red flush and healthy glow isn’t something your imaging, there is science to prove it…

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Sex as a Form of Exercise


The first reason you may notice a brighter complexion is because sex is technically a form of exercise (another added benefit!)… It increases blood flow to the skin, which will improve your complexion and this is why you may notice a healthy glow. The rush of blood gives you an oxygen boost and this is the key to healthier skin.


Sex Reduces Stress


Sex is a great way to de-stress, primarily by reducing cortisol levels. Cortisol is known as the ‘stress hormone’ and stress damages the skin. It does this by damaging the collagen in our body.

In case you’re wondering, collagen is the protein that keeps our skin elastic, supple and smooth. By damaging our collagen we can be left with scars or wrinkles. So, the more sex you have, the more you protect your skin-saving collagen!

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The Benefits Don’t Stop There


Not only does sex have some great immediate effects on our general health and skin, it also lasts. Its estimated that having sex one to three times a week has lasting benefits for our complexion. This is due to the steady lowering of cortisol levels, and the regulation of hormones such as oxytocin, prolactin and estrogen – this can even help prevent menstrual acne flare-ups.


Sex also benefits our sleep too, which as we know, is key to healthy skin. It does this by flooding the brain with oxytocin; this is the feel good hormone that gives us that relaxed and sleepy feeling post orgasm.

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Is it Only Sex that Benefits the Skin?


If you’re feeling slightly lonely by this point or wondering whether its time to open up a dating app then don’t worry! Masturbation also works too. You may not get all of the hormonal benefits but the blood flow and improved skin hydration will be coming your way regardless.


Sex: The risks


Unfortunately we have to bring in the risks somewhere. Sex has many benefits to our skin but if you’re noticing a rash, spot or bump you haven’t seen before then this is worth checking. It could be nothing and all part of the fun but there is also the risk that it is something more serious. We suggest checking any rash as quickly as you can to make sure it’s nothing serious. You can use our skin image searcher for an instant answer. It tests for all visual STDs and over 43 skin diseases in total. Alternatively we have board-certified dermatologists who are able to give you a rapid response on any concern.

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