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What Causes Itchy Skin in Winter

What Causes Itchy Skin in Winter

by  | Sep 30, 2023

As the weather cools down and winter sets in, many of us are all too familiar with the discomfort of irritated skin. Itchy skin in winter is a prevalent condition that affects a sizeable fraction of the population.

While winter itch may seem like a minor inconvenience, neglecting its care can interfere with daily activities and potentially lead to more severe skin issues.


What is Winter Itch?

Winter itch, also called Winter Xerosis or Asteatosis, is a skin disease that causes itching and dryness all winter long. It happens when the skin’s natural barrier against wetness is broken, causing pain and irritation.


Difference from other skin conditions

Winter itch distinguishes itself from other skin conditions through its seasonal patterns. As the temperature declines and humidity reduces, the severity usually increases. While it shares some symptoms with conditions like eczema and psoriasis, winter itch uniquely emerges and intensifies during the cold months.


Typical Signs of Winter Itch

Winter itch is characterized by intense itching, dry, flaky skin, redness, and, in the worst cases, fissures or cracks in the skin. These signs are especially noticeable on the legs, arms, and hands, which have less oil glands than other parts of the body.


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Causes of Itchy Skin in Winter


Changing the skin condition when the air is cold and dry

Cold winter air, with its lower humidity, directly impacts the skin’s moisture balance. As temperatures fall, the air becomes drier, leading to the skin losing its essential moisture. This not only makes the skin dry and irritable but also increases transepidermal water loss. This accelerated process means water evaporates from the skin’s surface more rapidly, exacerbating dryness and irritation.


Indoor Heaters: Draining Humidity and Drying the Skin

Indoor heating systems like central heating and room heaters cause itchy skin in two ways during the winter. They keep us warm and cozy, and they also help keep the air inside less stuffy. Lower indoor humidity levels make the skin even drier and itchier by taking away more of its natural wetness.


Winter skin care products can expose you to harmful chemicals!

The cold season often necessitates a shift in our skincare routines. However, some winter skincare products contain strong chemicals or fragrances that may aggravate sensitive skin.

For dry skin, opt for thicker, cream-based moisturizers, while those with oily skin should lean towards lighter, oil-free options. Individuals with sensitive skin should prioritize hypoallergenic and fragrance-free products. This tailored approach ensures effective moisturization without exacerbating dryness or causing irritation.


Inadequate Moisturization: Hydration is the Key

Adequate moisturization is crucial for managing winter itch. If you don’t moisturize enough during the warmer months, your skin may be more likely to lose moisture. Skin that is well-hydrated works as a barrier against the outside world, making it less likely to get dry and itchy.


Regions prone to Extreme Winter Weather

Extreme winter weather, like very low temperatures and high humidity, can make it more likely for your skin to itch. Residents of regions with harsh winters, such as Northern U.S., Canada, and Northern Europe, are more susceptible to skin issues during these colder months.


Lack of Proper Nutritional Intake and Hydration

A deficiency in essential nutrients, especially fatty acids like omega-3s, can make skin more susceptible to winter dryness. Similarly, not consuming enough water can lead to dehydrated skin that’s more prone to itchiness.


Identifying the Signs and Symptoms of Winter Skin Irritation


Distinguishing “Itchy Skin in Winter” from Other Conditions

  • Seasonality: Winter itch primarily occurs during colder months and often alleviates as temperatures rise. In contrast, conditions like eczema or psoriasis can persist or have different triggers throughout the year.
  • Trigger Factors: While winter itch is typically exacerbated by cold, dry weather, other skin conditions might be aggravated by allergens, stress, or specific products.
  • Duration and Persistence: While winter itch tends to be transient, aligning with seasonal shifts, chronic conditions may persist or recur regularly regardless of season.


Physical Manifestations of Winter Skin Irritation

  • Dry Patches: These are common signs of winter itch and can appear as areas of rough or flaky skin. They’re usually more pronounced on parts of the body exposed to the cold or those with fewer oil glands.
  • Scaling: With winter itch, the skin may show small, white or gray scales, often mistaken for dandruff or severe dryness.
  • Redness: Prolonged exposure to cold air or frequent itching can cause the skin to turn red or inflamed. This is especially noticeable in thinner skin areas like the face or hands.


Common Triggers and Potential Risk Factors for Winter Skin Itch


Age-Related Considerations

Why Elders May Experience More Dry Skin and Itching in the Winter


The likelihood of experiencing dry skin and itching during winter escalates with age. Elderly individuals, in particular, are more prone to these skin challenges due to several reasons:

Reduced Oil Production: As we age, the skin’s ability to produce natural oils diminishes. These oils form a protective layer, helping to retain skin moisture. The decreased production can leave the skin vulnerable to drying out.

Thinner Skin: With age, skin tends to become thinner. This makes it more susceptible to environmental factors, like cold and dry air, leading to increased dryness and irritation.

Slower Cell Turnover: Elderly skin regenerates more slowly than younger skin. As a result, damaged or dry cells remain on the surface for longer periods, making the skin feel dry and rough.

Hormonal Changes: Hormonal shifts, especially those occurring post-menopause in women, can lead to reduced skin hydration. A decrease in certain hormones can reduce the skin’s ability to retain moisture, causing it to dry out.


Pre-Existing Skin Conditions: Eczema and Psoriasis

Eczema and Psoriasis Triggers Cold, dry air, and low humidity are recognized to be triggers for flare-ups of both of these skin conditions throughout the winter months. Itching, redness, and inflammation may become worse as a result of these disorders.


Genetic Factors and Lifestyle Choices


Genetic Predisposition: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to dry skin or skin conditions, making them more prone to winter itch.

Lifestyle Factors: Diet, smoking, and overall health impact skin resilience. Skin health can be improved by eating a diet that is both well-balanced and high in necessary fatty acids. Dry skin can be caused by a number of factors, including smoking and poor dietary choices.


Progression of Winter Itch to More Serious Conditions

For those experiencing “itchy skin in winter,” it’s paramount to be aware of how this seemingly benign symptom can escalate to more pressing skin concerns.

  • Potential Escalation: If winter itch remains unchecked, the prolonged scratching and damage could evolve into complex conditions like dermatitis or eczema. This can result from allergens and irritants penetrating the damaged skin barrier, triggering inflammation.
  • Consequent Complications: Some individuals might experience severe repercussions such as painful skin fissures or open sores. If these are not addressed, they can become gateways for bacterial or fungal infections, amplifying the discomfort and pain.


The Iterative Cycle of Itching, Scratching, and Skin Damage

A repetitive pattern can emerge, exacerbating the winter itch dilemma:

  • Initial Discomfort: Winter itch typically starts as a response to skin dryness and subsequent inflammatory reactions.
  • Scratch Impulse: While scratching offers momentary relief, it inflicts further damage on the skin, leaving it vulnerable to secondary infections.
  • Ongoing Skin Damage: This recurrent scratching makes the skin more susceptible to itching, creating a vicious cycle that can lead to complications if not interrupted.


Potential Risks from Consistent Scratching

Persistently yielding to the urge to scratch presents a series of hazards:

  • Risk of Infections: Scratches can breach the skin’s natural barriers, facilitating infections. Fungi, causing conditions like ringworm, or bacteria, leading to cellulitis, are among the primary culprits. Maintaining skin hygiene is pivotal to circumvent these infections.
  • Long-term Skin Alterations: Chronic scratching can result in the skin becoming thick and leathery—a phenomenon termed ‘lichenification.’ Additionally, it can lead to areas of darkened skin, or hyperpigmentation, altering the skin’s appearance.


Available Over-the-Counter Solutions

There are readily available remedies to address winter itch.

Creams and Ointments: Products containing hydrocortisone or ceramides can be applied to alleviate irritation and fortify the skin’s barrier. However, it’s vital to note that extended use of some of these products, particularly those with hydrocortisone, can lead to skin thinning. It’s advisable to use them judiciously and as directed.



Duhring LA. Pruritus hiemalis: An undescribed form of pruritus. A practical treatise on diseases of the skin. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott & Co; 1874:3–20.

Handfield-Jones S. Itching. Medicine. 2009;37:273–6. doi:10.1016/j.mpmed.2009.02.007. Journal.

Yosipovitch G, Hundley JL. Practical guidelines for the relief of itch. Dermatol Nurs. 2004;16:325–8. Available from:https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/488914_3

Chernosky ME. Pruritic skin disease and summer air conditioning. JAMA. 1962;179:1005–10. doi:10.1001/jama.1962.03050130009003. PubMed.

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