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Here’s How Vaping Affects your Skin

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Here’s How Vaping Affects your Skin

by | Nov 30, 2022 | Blog

It’s no secret that vaping is on the rise. In fact, as per information published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 3 million middle and high school students were current users of e-cigarettes in 2021. That’s a pretty staggering number. But what you may not know is how vaping affects your skin. Believe it or not, vaping has potentially negative consequences for your skin health. So if you’re a vaper or thinking about taking up vaping, read on to learn more.

Quitting smoking is hard. It’s an addiction that takes hold of your body and mind, and breaking free can be long and challenging. One of the most popular methods for quitting smoking is vaping, which involves inhaling a vaporized liquid that typically contains nicotine. While vaping may help some people quit smoking, it can also lead to skin issues.



Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a type of skin inflammation that happens when the skin comes into contact with an irritant. And according to a new study, vaping liquids can be a significant cause of contact dermatitis. The study found that individuals who used e-cigarettes were six times more prone to develop contact dermatitis than those who didn’t vape.

The most common symptoms of contact dermatitis include redness, itching, and swelling. The skin may blister or break out in severe cases in a rash. If you’re thinking about quitting smoking, talk to your doctor about the deleterious risks and benefits of vaping before making the switch.

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Did you know that vaping can also cause acne? That’s right, those who vape are at an increased risk for developing acne, thanks to the ingredients in e-cigarettes. One of the main ingredients in e-cigarettes is propylene glycol, which can be a skin irritant and lead to breakouts. In addition, nicotine is another ingredient in e-cigarettes that can increase sebum production, clog pores and lead to acne.



Oxygen supply to the skin

As any vape aficionado knows, one of the joys of vaping is the ability to take vast clouds of vapor into your lungs. However, you may need to realize that all that vapor deprives your skin of oxygen. That’s right – by constantly inhaling vapor, you are decreasing the amount of oxygen that your skin cells receive. And as we all know, oxygen is essential for healthy skin. So if you’re looking for one more reason to quit vaping, consider the impact it could have on your skin.




Vaping has been all the rage among young people in recent years, but there is one downside they may not be aware of – it can cause premature skin aging. This is because vaping involves inhaling vaporized e-liquid, which contains some harmful chemicals. These chemicals can damage the collagen and elastin fibers that give skin a youthful appearance.

In addition, vaping can also cause the blood vessels in the skin to constrict, reducing blood flow and nutrients. As a result, vaping can not only make skin look older, but it can also make it more susceptible to wrinkles and other signs of aging. So, if you want to keep your skin looking young and healthy, you might think twice about picking up that vape pen.



Skin hyperpigmentation

All that puffing and exhaling puts you at risk for brown spots and discoloration. And unfortunately, once those spots appear, they can be challenging to get rid of.

So what exactly is skin hyperpigmentation? It occurs when there is an accumulation of melanin in the skin. Melanin is a dark pigment that colors our skin, hair, and eyes. When produced in excess, it can cause brown patches and other discolorations.

There are a few various factors that can contribute to the development of skin hyperpigmentation. Sun exposure is one of the most common triggers – when UV rays penetrate the skin, they stimulate melanin production. Other possible causes include hormonal imbalances, certain medications, and inflammation.

So how does vaping fit into all this? Well, studies have shown that the chemicals in e-cigarettes can damage cells and lead to inflammation. This inflammation can trigger the production of melanin, resulting in the development of brown spots and other discolorations. 

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Skin sagging

Skin sagging is when the skin around the eyes begins to sag and droop. This is caused by the breakdown of collagen and elastin, two proteins that help keep the skin tight and firm. Vaping damages these proteins, causing the skin to sag. 




Although vaping is still a relatively new phenomenon, the effects of vaping on the skin are already being seen. Dermatologists are urging people to stop using e-cigarettes and other vaping devices if they are experiencing any adverse skin reactions.

If you’re concerned about the effect that vaping has had on your skin, please speak with a First Derm online dermatologist. They can help you determine whether the changes in your skin are permanent or temporary and may be able to provide treatment options. Have you experienced any adverse effects from vaping? Let us know in the comments below.



  • Visconti, M. J., & Ashack, K. A. (2019). Dermatologic manifestations associated with electronic cigarette use. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 81(4), 1001–1007. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaad.2019.03.088


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