First Derm in South America

First Derm’s front-end developer, Rodrigo Cárcamo, is also a medical student at the Universidad Austral de Chile, South America. During his training this year he introduced First Derm to his mentors, peers and patients. Here is his first-hand account:

So my experience using First Derm on rounds has been awesome. This semester I was on the Internal Medicine rotation of my training. Our job as medical students was to interview patients, note their complaints and symptoms, and perform a physical examination in order to make the correct diagnosis.

When it came to dermatological problems, they can be quite complicated so sometimes we were not exactly sure what it was. Every medical student on my team had their own hypothesis, but we sent the cases to First Derm. Because they use experienced dermatologists, we knew every time who had the right answer.

Later on, we had to present the patient history, also known as “Anamnesis”, to the doctor in charge. So we made sure to let them know that our skin diagnosis were confirmed using teledermatology. They were amazed to hear that a smartphone app could be so accurate!

Whether First Derm is used by medical students checking their diagnosis, or by regular people anxious about their skin conditions at home, it is clear that the technology has tremendous usefulness. Stay tuned to our blog to see more updates from Rodrigo about First Derm’s integration into his medical school’s curriculum.

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