Corporate Wellness

Corporate wellness

First Derm for your company

Interested in making First Derm a part of your company’s Corporate Wellness plan? First Derm can save companies thousands of dollars a year on healthcare expenses by eliminating unnecessary doctor visits for employees and improving overall workplace productivity.

Our research has demonstrated the effectiveness of teledermatology in various studies.

Contact us for more details.

What we can do for you

  • 70% of cases submitted may be treated over the counter and may not require a doctor’s visit.
  • Our users save an average of $80 from avoiding an unnecessary doctor’s visit. Those that require follow-up care have been able to bypass gatekeepers to see a dermatologist directly.
  • If your case doesn’t require a visit, our users can save up to 9 hours of scheduling, driving, and waiting for their appointment.
  • The average wait time to see a Dermatologist is 38 days. We give you a response within 1 day.

How it works

  • The employees download the free First Derm app, with promo codes supplied by their company, allowing them to send in a case as soon as a skin condition appears.
  • When an employee has a suspicious mole or skin lesion, he or she takes images with the app and describes the symptoms.
  • The images and descriptive text comprise a “Case” which is electronically submitted to one of our dermatologists.
  • Our dermatologist is notified and reviews the Case. The dermatologist then provides a possible diagnosis and treatment plan within 24 hours.
  • The employee now has a better idea of what the skin condition is and what next steps to take for treatment.

This is not a substitute for seeing a dermatologist, but rather a tool for allowing employees to get their medical needs met without missing work and reducing corporate productivity. First Derm can create a more relaxing work environment, reduce healthcare spending, and give peace of mind to employees worried about a skin condition whether it be a suspicious mole or an unsightly rash. Employees won’t have to miss work to see a doctor unnecessarily, and the company won’t have to pay the hefty specialty care fee for a dermatology consult.

Contact us for more details

First Derm benefits

1 (415) 234-4124
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