5 Things You Need to Celebrate During the Pride Month

5 Things You Need to Celebrate During the Pride Month

by | Jun 14, 2022 | Blog, STD, Traveling

Soon after the historic events of the Stonewall riots in 1969, in Manhattan, Gay prides started gaining momentum all over the world. In today’s day and age, the parades work as a catalyst as well as a celebration for the acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community. These parades have now been transformed into a celebration of a whole month that takes place every year in June.

The fabulous events and activities that are carried out throughout the month encourage awareness and tolerance toward the LGBTQ+ community. A large number of people, both from within the community and those that are allies, take part in the festivities and marches organized throughout the world and this movement is becoming more and more popular and impactful as time passes.

What is pride month?

This is an entire month dedicated to highlighting and raising the LGBTQ+ voices, celebrating the pride culture, preservation of their beliefs, and their fight for equality and supporting the community. Throughout the month, which in most places in June, there are parades, marches, seminars, protests, drag shows, theatres, and live performances to bring the colorful and diverse culture of this community in front of the whole world. LOUD and PROUD! 

Memorials and vigils are also organized to honor the people who lost their lives in the struggle for their rights or members who were lost due to little or no awareness about HIV/AIDS. It is a colorful mixture of celebration, strength, perseverance, and political activism that this community has been actively taking part in since the beginning of time.

How can we celebrate pride month?

Pride month features several different events and activities throughout the month but in each city, the pride parade always takes the cake. This large-scale celebration of the LGBTQ+ identity is so diverse, that anybody and everybody can be a part of it.

Even if you are not a queer person or part of the community, you can still show up and show your support for the cause. However, here are some very appreciated and straightforward ways through which you can be a part of the pride month and actively help the community to celebrate the right of owning their identity and being comfortable in expressing who they are:

  • Become part of marches and parades: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, last year we were unable to see the celebration at their fullest but this year all around the world; the pride community is gearing up for the most extravagant pride parades ever! You just need to make sure you show up and become part of the most flamboyant exhibition of a queer identity! Show solidarity by marching alongside the people from the community. This year the chosen theme is “Unapologetically Us“. This theme emphasizes how important it is to recognize the struggle and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community in a world that is only now beginning to re-emerge from a pandemic that has completely reset society, forcing all of us to reconsider and reprioritize our lives. Many have focused on exploring their true selves by coming out. Others, however, continue their journey in search of a true sense of self and inner peace. But it is the whole community that should celebrate each person’s story and provide support so that everyone can feel happy, healthy, and safe, being proudly us.
  • Try to volunteer as much as possible: Whether you are passing on flyers or texting people details regarding the events. From distributing water at the parades to organizing a parade, every small bit is very vital. Let the community know you are with them and let the world hear your voice!
  • Donations are a great help: You can never run a successful movement without capital. If there is no other way you can contribute, donating even the smallest amount can make a big difference for this movement and the community. Here are some known organizations working for the betterment of the LGBTQ+ community where you can donate:
  • The Human Rights Campaign
  • The Trevor Project
  • The Pride Fund to End Gun Violence
  • The National Center for Trans Equality
  • GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network)
  • The National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network. 

What are the essentials we need to carry to celebrate pride month?

It does not matter whether it is your first pride month or the 20th; you need some essentials that you need to carry with you for a safe and well-prepared pride month. The bedazzled clothes, colorful accessories, and extravagant attires are good and all but you need some practical ammunition to comfortably attend the pride parades and marches throughout the month.

If you are confused as to what you need to bring with you to protect yourself from the harsh weather and stay comfortable and enjoy the pride festivities, we have you covered! Here are the five essential items you need to carry with you if you want optimum protection from the aggressors, both environmental and weather-related:

1. Sunblock

You are going to be attending a lot of outdoor events and to safely attend these festivities, sunblock is a must! Whenever you are outdoors, you need to lather yourself up with good SPF formulae. You must take care of your skin and body as much as the outfit you are going to wear to the parade! Generously apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30 formula as well as keep one in your bag to reapply as marching in hot June afternoon means profuse sweating. Applying a good formula will help you not get burnt during outdoor activities.

Always opt for broad-spectrum sunblock if you want to make it through the whole month with preserved skin. You can have all the fun you want and keep your skin protected as well!

If you still have some doubts about which sunscreen is best for you, check out this ultimate sunscreen guide.

2. Protective headgear and sunglasses 

Donning the proper headgear is very important to protect the skin of your face and scalp. Wearing a cap with a wide brim can help to protect your neck, face, and ears. Try avoiding baseball caps as they leave a lot of areas exposed. 

Wearing proper headgear not only protects you from harmful rays of the sun but also the heat waves and the blinding glare of the sun. Also part of the headgear is sunglasses. Remember to wear sunglasses that have UVA and UVB protection that would help minimize the damage to your eyes as well as the sensitive skin around your eyes.

Check out more Dermatologist advice on how to protect your skin here.

3. Derma approved makeup

If you have decided to be a part of the pride march or any pride event, whether you are from the community or not, you have to look the part! You cannot go looking like a boring old you! Pride is all about extravagance and self-expression in the most outrageous way possible! 

You are going to need a tone of makeup and glitter to get ready to shine at these events! The makeup you are going to put on your face and body, however, has to be derma approved and safe as you are going to wear it for a long span of time. If the makeup is not dermatologically tested it might cause acne breakout or skin rashes post usage, which is not a very ideal situation. So make sure the paint, makeup, or glitter you are using is not only waterproof (sweating in June! duh!), but also dermatologically tested to be safe for use for any skin type. And if you choose a makeup brand that is an LGBTQ+ ally, that is even better!

Read more about which Makeup Ingredients Acne-Prone Skin Should Avoid.

4. Lots of Water

June is a hot month and being out for long hours attending pride events means profuse sweating, which can easily lead to dehydration. Carrying a water bottle is of paramount importance if you want to go through the pride activities while staying hydrated. 

You are going to cover long distances while on marches and parades, in the sweltering heat, with body heat rising, so you need to carry water on you. Keep hydrated while you fight and raise slogans for your rights on the streets of your city.

5. Condoms 

As HIV/AIDS is very prevalent among the queer community due to unawareness and unsafe sexual practices, it is a good idea to carry condoms. They can come in handy whether you want them or you want to hand them out to people who need them. 

De-stigmatizing the tools to have sex is one of the most optimum and successful ways to raise awareness about safe sex among people. Providing the tools to ensure safe sex not only encourages healthy practices but also keeps one away from harm’s way. Too many lives have been lost due to the lack of safe sex awareness in the LGBTQ+ community.

Carrying and giving out correctly labeled condoms not only serves these goals but also promotes awareness about STI clinics and educational organizations that spread information about safe sex.

If you have any skin concerns, ask one of our board-certified online dermatologists today by securely uploading your symptoms and pictures here.

Attending pride events is a strong statement to make in favor of the community. Although attending these events is fun and colorful but it is equally important to keep yourself safe and go well prepared so that you can fully take part in the festivities and stay comfortable as well.

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