What Are The Most Common Genital Bumps To Use DICDOC’s AI?

What Are The Most Common Genital Bumps To Use DICDOC’s AI?

by | Jul 12, 2022 | Blog, Sexual Health, STD

Did you know that STD infections affect about 20% of the population of the United States every year? While STDs can lead to serious health concerns, it is important to get tested to avoid severe genital infections. 

Observing bumps or lumps on your genitals may often be harmless, but they could also be a sign of a serious medical infection, such as a sexually transmitted disease (STD). In this article, we will discuss some common genital bumps and lumps and how DICDOC’s Artificial Intelligence can help you assess an STD. 


Vaginal Cysts:

Vaginal cysts appear as firm lumps or pocket-like projections on the vaginal walls. Cysts in the vaginal area appear may contain pus or scar tissue. Some vaginal cysts often cause no symptoms; however, some cysts cause pain and discomfort during sex. The following are some types of vaginal cysts:


1. Vaginal Inclusion Cysts:

These types of vaginal cysts appear when there has been an injury to the vaginal walls, for example, during childbirth. Trauma to the vaginal walls causes the tissues of the vagina to get trapped under the skin surface of the vagina, which then results in cysts [1]. 


2. Endometriosis Cysts:

These types of cysts are observed in women with endometriosis. Endometriosis cysts appear in the form of lumps of tissue, which get to your ovaries. 


3. Bartholin’s Cysts:

These types of cysts appear as lumps on each side of the vaginal opening [2]. 



Vaginal Pimples:

You can get several dermatological infections (psoriasis and eczema) on any part of your body, including your vulva. Just like acne and blemishes on your face, vaginal pimples may be full of pus, red, and quite painful. Vaginal pimples occur as a result of clogging of pores in your vulva. 

Since these zits can be irritating and uncomfortable, it is important not to squeeze or touch them.



Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs):

Itchy bumps on the vagina or vulva can be a symptom of a sexually transmitted infection (STI). The following are some common STIs:


1. Genital Warts:

These are white-colored bumps that appear around the anus and vulva. In most cases, genital warts do not hurt, but sometimes, they can be itchy or irritating. The most common cause of genital warts is HPV 6 & 11 (human papillomavirus). Being the most frequently occurring STI, HPV has been associated with cervical cancer in women [3]. 

So, if you notice genital warts, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. 


2. Herpes Simplex Viruses 1 and 2:

Herpes Simplex 1 & 2 viruses cause painful and itchy blisters or clusters of blister-like bumps in the genital area. These blisters aren’t actually the cause of concern, but the infection tends to come back multiple times. You will start noticing blisters within 2 to 20 days of the infection [4]. 


3. Syphilis:

The first symptom of syphilis is the “syphilis sore (chancre),” which appears as a painless sore around the anus, vulva, or lips. Syphilis sore is sometimes hard to find when it forms in discrete spots like the rectum or inside the vagina. Syphilis is usually caused by bacteria and goes away within a few weeks. If left untreated, syphilis may cause serious health concerns. 


4. Molluscum Contagiosum:

This highly contagious but little-known sexually transmitted infection causes the appearance of tiny bumps all around the vulva. These sprinkles of tiny bumps disappear by themselves. Molluscum contagiosum is most common in sexually active young women in their twenties [5]. 

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Skin Cancer:

Spotting a genital bump or lump may also be caused by skin cancer in the genital area. However, cancers of the vagina and vulva are extremely rare and least likely to occur. Noticing a black spot that continues to expand may be a sign of melanoma. 

A reddish or skin-colored bump that does not go away or bleeds easily may indicate non-melanoma skin cancer. 

The following are some symptoms of a cancerous vaginal condition:

  • Thickened skin patches
  • Pain, itching, or burning
  • Unusual bleeding or discharge from the vagina
  • Wounds that do not heal within a few weeks
  • The appearance of sores or bumps on the vulva
  • Darker or lighter patches of skin around the area [6].


Research shows that the risk of vulvar cancer increases in older women who smoke a lot. The risk of this cancer also increases if you have the HPV virus. The only way to diagnose vaginal or vulvar cancer is by obtaining tissues from suspicious genital bumps.



How DICDOC’s AI Helps Assess an STD

Are you worried about the appearance of unusual genital bumps and lumps? Have you been experiencing pain and discomfort after sex? If you have any genital concerns, DICDOC Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here to help! Let’s have a look at what it is. 

DICDOC’s AI is an incredible search engine that uses deep learning AI technology to check or assess an STD, which may be causing the appearance of unusual bumps. The AI technology works by providing an assessment of your genital concern. 

All you have to do is take a clear picture of your visual genital concern and upload it to our search engine. The AI technology will compare this picture to a database of thousands of pictures and provide you with five answers that indicate what your possible concern is. 

With DICDOC’s AI technology, you can check for your STD by submitting just a picture! You can also purchase an STD home testing kit to check if you have an STD or not. The best part is that DICDOC does not store any private data ensuring your anonymity.



The Takeaway Message:

Having suspicious lumps, sores, or bumps on your genitals may be a reason for concern. Genital bumps may indicate the presence of a sexually transmitted disease (STD), which, if left untreated, causes serious health concerns.

Thanks to the FirstDerm’s DICDOC AI technology that allows you to get examined for a genital concern. When you upload a picture of your genital concern, the DICDOC AI technology gives you an output about what your concern is. This helps you find an STD as early as possible so that you can seek immediate medical attention. 






  1. Heller DS. Vaginal Cysts: A Pathology Review. J Low Genit Tract Dis 2012;16. https://doi.org/10.1097/LGT.0b013e3182320ef0 
  2. Kondi-Pafiti, D. Grapsa, K. Papakonstantinou, E. Kairi-Vassilatou DX. Vaginal cysts: a common pathologic entity revisited. Clin Exp Obs Gynecol 2008;35:414. https://www.imrpress.com/journal/CEOG/35/1/pii/1630638168553-1465611190 
  3. Fathi R, Tsoukas MM. Genital warts and other HPV infections: Established and novel therapies. Clin Dermatol 2014;32:299–306. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clindermatol.2013.08.014
  4. Yeung-Yue KA, Brentjens MH, Lee PC, Tyring SK. Herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2. Dermatol Clin 2002;20:249–66. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0733-8635(01)00003-1
  5. Chen X, Anstey A V, Bugert JJ. Molluscum contagiosum virus infection. Lancet Infect Dis 2013;13:877–88. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(13)70109-9.
  6. Di Donato V, Bellati F, Fischetti M, Plotti F, Perniola G, Benedetti Panici P. Vaginal cancer. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol 2012;81:286–95. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.critrevonc.2011.04.004.

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