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Are These Skin Care Myths True or False?

“Avoid greasy foods to avoid acne!” We have all experienced being taught to do or avoid certain things to ensure nice skin in our childhood. Because as kids we’ve never questioned the validity of the “adults’ wisdom,” we are still religiously practicing these beauty tips to this day. But how much of it is true? Whether it is your skincare practices or daily practices, we are here to bust and confirm the legitimacy of several skin myths.


Acne-Prone Skin Needs the Strongest Cleansers and Exfoliants (FALSE)

This topic is a popular misconception in skin care. Individuals with acne-prone skin are more likely to reach for stronger cleansers and exfoliants, believing that they will reduce their acne inflammation. However, harsh ingredients and products only strip away moisture. And as a result, these strong products induce even more oil in the skin to compensate. Those who suffer from mild to severe acne should consult with a dermatologist to get a gentle, yet effective treatment plan.


Your Diet Affects Your Skin  (TRUE)

Before you finish that bag of potato chips, there are a few things you should consider about your diet if you are skin-conscious. Many dermatologists have stressed the importance of nutritional health, like Vitamin A and D, for healthy skin, nails, and hair. Therefore, it is obvious that intaking beneficial foods will encourage healthier skin.


But how about greasy food? According to scientific research, consuming too much omega-6 fatty acids like oily foods is associated with acne inflammation. Additionally, excess intake of carbohydrates and dietary fat can also lead to sebum production. So yes, junk foods can cause acne.


You Need Sunscreen on a Cloudy Day  (TRUE)

No matter what the occasion is, it’s always important to wear sunscreen despite the cloudy weather. Even if the sun is completely covered by clouds, your skin is still completely exposed to the UV rays–just at a lower intensity. Additionally, hazy weather can also intensify UV light due to the water vapor scattered across the atmosphere. Higher altitudes also result in higher exposure to UV light because there is less of the atmosphere to absorb the UV light.


Hot Water Opens Your Pores (FALSE)

One of the most highly misunderstood concept about pores is that they open and close based on the temperature. For example, you are probably familiar with the idea of putting a steamed towel over your face will open up your pores. However, this is all false. In fact, your pores do not change sizes at all. Pores appear larger under hot temperatures due to water absorption causing your skin to swell. Because the hot steam can also be causing comedones, sebum, and oil to soften up, it causes the pores to look bigger.


You Should Wait to See a Dermatologist (FALSE)

Many people believe that they should wait to see a dermatologist due to how expensive procedures and visits are. In fact, the average American waits around 32 days in order to book an appointment with a dermatologist.

More specifically, because cosmetic dermatology is becoming more popular, dermatologists have less slots opened up for patients in need. Therefore, it is vital to seek medical attention about any concerns like skin tags or moles before it is too late.


Send in a case on First Derm today and get an answer from a board-certified dermatologist within 8 hours.


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