Easy and Effective Ways to Control Your Rosacea

Rosacea under control

Those who suffer from rosacea can understand how frustrating it can get especially during the summer. Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that results in intense flushing or redness around the cheeks, nose, and eyelids. Some argue that skin mites called demodex folliculorum are responsible for the skin to become flushed and inflamed.  

Although there is no cure for rosacea, people may resort to contacting a dermatologist for help.Dermatologists can help confirm the condition and provide advice on how to treat and control the redness. They may also prescribe antibiotics to help kill the bacteria on the skin that may be causing the inflammation. But in terms of at-home care, here are some tips you can follow:  

Gentle is always the best way to go…


  If you  suffer from rosacea, then you probably have sensitive skin as well. In addition, those with rosacea suffer from oversensitivity of any contact or bacteria on the skin and will result in inflammation or flushing when irritated. Therefore, when it comes to controlling rosacea, the most gentle and natural techniques will help you keep it under control.  

Aloe Can Reduce Inflammation


  Whether it is in a product or straight from the plant itself, aloe vera carries many benefits to the skin. More specifically, aloe can calm inflammation and redness on the skin from its cooling, yet refreshing properties. Aloe vera can also act as a hydrating agent for your skin when it is irritated and in need of moisture.

  Contact a dermatologist today about your skin concerns.


Sunscreen Protects Your Skin from UV light


  If you suffer from rosacea, sunscreen is a dire staple to controlling inflammation. Sun exposure is one of the biggest factors that cause inflammation and redness as the UV light causes irritation to sensitive skin. More importantly, finding a SPF15+ sunscreen that works great with sensitive skin will significantly reduce your chances of flare-ups. See what’s the right sunscreen for you here.


Avoid Exfoliating and Harsh Ingredients


  If you have  rosacea, the best regime is effective, yet gentle to the skin. Exfoliating can cause flare-ups and redness because of the abrasive impact it has on  sensitive skin. Opt for foam cleansers that will help get rid of the dirt, while still maintaining the flare-ups under control.  Fragrance and alcohol are the top ingredients to avoid for those with sensitive skin. Not only can they cause irritation, they can also sting the skin. Alcohol should be avoided for individuals with rosacea as it can be drying to the skin. As for fragrance, it can cause allergic reactions to the skin, causing redness or irritation.

Although rosacea is very common, it can be extremely frustrating to deal with it. If you believe you are suffering from rosacea, get it confirmed with a board certified dermatologist today.


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