Ask Dr. Raquel Molina


Securely upload your symptoms and pictures below. A dermatologist will respond within hours, with 70% of cases requiring only a simple treatment, you’ll save a trip to the doctor’s office.

Ask Dr. Raquel Molina

Dr. Raquel Molina

Board-Certified Dermatologist

✓ 70% do not need to see a doctor in person
✓ We catch skin cancer early
✓ Complete anonymity and data protection
Secure credit card processing by PayPal
✓ Response guaranteed as fast as 8 hours, 365 days
✓ Over 20,000 satisfied customers
✓ From $29.95 (£20 / €26) for an answer in hours
✓ Online support within hours

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✓ Complete anonymity
✓ Secure credit card processing
✓ Fast response guaranteed 
✓ Over 50,000 customers
✓ Starting from $29.95 (€25/ £20)
✓ Online support within hours

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1 (415) 234-4124
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