Doctor Aayushi Shah biography

Dr Aayushi Shah is a practising dermatologist from India, currently based in the UK. She has 5 publications has authored chapters covering a wide range of topics, including chronic urticaria, psoriasis, and skin moisturisers. She also works as a Medical Editor, and enjoys blogging in her free time.

Research articles by Doctor Aayushi Shah

  1. Topical Corticosteroids in Dermatology – IJDVL. Mehta AB et al. Topical corticosteroids in dermatology. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2016; 82: 371-8. DOI:10.4103/0378-6323.178903
  2. Treatment of refractory chronic urticaria – Indian Journal of Dermatology. Mehta A et al. Treatment of refractory chronic urticaria. Indian J Dermatol 2015;60:230-7. DOI:10.4103/0019-5154.156325
  3. Subcutaneous autologous serum therapy in chronic spontaneous urticaria – Indian Journal of Dermatology. Godse KV, Nadkarni N, Patil S, Mehta A. Subcutaneous autologous serum therapy in chronic spontaneous urticaria. Indian J Dermatol 2017;62:505-7.
  4. Omalizumab – A review” - Indian Journal of Dermatology. Godse K, Mehta A, Patil S, Gautam M, Nadkarni N. Omalizumab—A Review. Indian Journal of Dermatology. 2015;60(4):381-384. DOI:10.4103/0019-5154.160490
  5. Feasibility and Utility of the Fric Test in Symptomatic Dermographism: A Pilot Study. - Indian Journal of Dermatology. Mehta A et al. Feasibility and utility of the fric test in symptomatic dermographism: A pilot study. Indian J Dermatol 2015;60:638. doi: 10.4103/0019-5154.169167

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