Research Articles

Importance of Sticking to Treatment Plans for Dermatology Patients

Discover the crucial role of sticking to dermatology treatment plans for improved health outcomes. Learn about the impact of adherence, challenges patients face, and strategies to enhance treatment success

Charles SLBG Foundation Skin Cancer Screening Report

This study shows the impact of free skin cancer screening program on early detection and treatment of skin cancer. Find out more about this lifesaving initiative

Bakuchiol – Vegan Retinol – What is all the hype about?

Bakuchiol is a new, vegan retinol product on the market and has been talked about a lot over the past few years.

Artificial Intelligence and The Future of Skin Care

Artificial intelligence is appearing in almost all areas of our life. Here we demonstrate how beneficial it is to our skin and wellbeing.

Healthcare AI Receives US Budget Boost

Healthcare AI Receives US Budget Boost

The latest US budget proposal from Donald Trump’s government was released yesterdaywith mixed response.  A range of cuts have been proposed but despite the lows, one particular highlight is for AI technology, the research and development aspect of the proposal has outlined an emphasis on AI and since here at First Derm we are at the forefront of Dermatology AI technology, we’re here to explain what this might mean for the future.

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