Artificial Intelligence (AI) Articles

MyGP App Users Can Now Access AI-Powered Skin Scanner for Free

Scan your skin problems with AI Skin Scanner on myGP app. Get instant results & information.

How to get a skin assessment on Instagram with First Derm’s Instagram Messenger Bot

The demands on public healthcare increase as populations age. At the same time, better quality care can be made possible through medical and technological innovation with smartphones. 

AI in dermatology from a Foundation Year One’s perspective

As a recent graduate of a UK medical school and current Foundation Year One Doctor there is little exposure to dermatology, and even less to artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence and The Future of Skin Care

Artificial intelligence is appearing in almost all areas of our life. Here we demonstrate how beneficial it is to our skin and wellbeing.

What Are AI Triage Apps?

What Are AI Triage Apps?

You may have heard about these apps before or perhaps this is the first time you’ve come across them. Either way, AI triage apps are shaping the future of our healthcare by aiming to reduce the strain on our health services. Today, we’ll dig into why they’re popping up and what they are.

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Healthcare AI Receives US Budget Boost

Healthcare AI Receives US Budget Boost

The latest US budget proposal from Donald Trump’s government was released yesterdaywith mixed response.  A range of cuts have been proposed but despite the lows, one particular highlight is for AI technology, the research and development aspect of the proposal has outlined an emphasis on AI and since here at First Derm we are at the forefront of Dermatology AI technology, we’re here to explain what this might mean for the future.

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WeChat For Healthcare?

WeChat For Healthcare?

One of the fastest developing forms of technology is communication. It has shaped the way we see the world and view our own life, as many have predicted. Healthcare is beginning to move into the mediums that best suit the patient and messaging services like WeChat are there to revolutionise the process Here you can see how we have integrated our API for our dermatology AI

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